Cheap file storage online?? I think AWS S3 immediately jumps to mind for most people :P
I’m going to be using it to store my training images for GAN. I’ve never set up one before, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t too painful at all.
For people who want to start your own, read on!
So I began here, with the in-house AWS tutorial - it’s pretty good!
Once your bucket is up and running, how do you upload your files via code (not the console)?
In comes boto3!
Use the quickstart guide here:
Do your pip install awscli
, AND install AWS CLI (AWS command line). I wanted to see if there were other options without using AWS CLI, but… nope. so just install it haha.
Type in aws configure
, input your access key id and access key, and for people who selected Singapore as their region, input ap-southeast-1
(you can find the relevant names for other regions here if you need).
There was a next field (I can’t remember!!) but just press enter to skip it if you don’t need it (that’s what I did) and you’re done with the configuration!!
Get yourself into jupyter notebook, and here we go:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3') # tells boto which aws resource you are using
for bucket in s3.buckets.all(): # prints out all the bucket names in the s3
s3.Bucket('picture_bucket').upload_file('/mypics/picture.jpg','picture.jpg') # uploads the file into the bucket from the given file path, and saves it as the name specified.
now to get that spider going…